The Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission (MVRPC) is the designated leader of the Long-Term Community Disaster Recovery Network, helping the counties, cities, townships and villages impacted by the devastating Memorial Day tornadoes create a plan for recovery and resiliency. While the primary focus was on disaster response within local jurisdictions, Emergency Management teams at the County and State level coordinated these efforts. Now, our Region is ready to move toward long-term recovery for all impacted communities and coordinated, cooperative strategic planning for resiliency is critical.
Each month, MVRPC convenes the leaders from impacted counties, cities, townships and villages to provide recovery updates and share resources. The schedule and minutes from these meetings are provided below. For more information or to be included in these meetings, please contact Stacy Schweikhart, MVRPC Director of Strategy and Engagement by email at sschweikhart@mvrpc.org.
Please visit events calendar for information on upcoming meetings and to find agendas, presentations and meeting summaries from previous meetings.
“Estimates are that the Long-Term Community Disaster Recovery efforts may take a decade or more to accomplish,” said MVRPC Executive Director, Brian O. Martin. “MVRPC will lead this important work for as long as it may take to bring our Region back stronger than ever before.”
“We will to work with impacted communities on a strategic planning process to assess the allocation of disaster relief funds from multiple federal agencies to meet needs throughout the Region,” said Martin. “We will provide technical assistance in federal fund applications, in project administration, compliance and evaluation.”
Tornado Damage Maps
Disaster Impact Map - Miami Valley
Beavercreek Tornado Damage Assessment
Beavercreek Township Tornado Damage Assessment
Brookville Tornado Damage Assessment
Butler Township Tornado Damage Assessment
Clayton Tornado Damage Assessment
Concord Township Tornado Damage Assessment
Dayton Tornado Damage Assessment
Englewood Tornado Damage Assessment
Harrison Township Tornado Damage Assessment
Perry Township Tornado Damage Assessment
Postdam Tornado Damage Assessment
Riverside Tornado Damage Assessment
Ross Township Tornado Damage Assessment
Trotwood Tornado Damage Assessment
Union Township Tornado Damage Assessment
Vandalia Tornado Damage Assessment
Miami Valley Disaster Recovery Resources
Disaster Recovery Dashboard - Individual Recovery
Disaster Recovery Dashboard - Property Recovery
FEMA, OEMA and Hazard Mitigation Resources
2020 Hazard Mitigation Assistance Pre-Application Form
2020 Hazard Mitigation Assistance Overview Presentation
2020 FEMA Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Notice of Funding Opportunity
2020 Flood Mitigation Assistance Notice of Funding Opportunity
Community Disaster Loan Program Information
Community Disaster Loan Program Survey
January 2020 Ohio Emergency Management Mitigation Training Course
IMAC - Ohio IntraState Mutual Aid Compact
Laura Adcock, Disaster Recovery Branch Chief
Ohio Emergency Management Agency 614.799.3667 ladcock@dps.ohio.gov .
Reach out to Laura for assistance specific to your jurisdiction’s FEMA applications and for assistance with State of Ohio mitigation funding.
EDA Resources and Funding Opportunities
EDA Disaster Supplement Construction Funding Information
Ellen Heinz, M.Ed., OhioCED
Professional Development, At-Large Director
Economic Development Representative
Economic Development Administration, Chicago Regional Office
U.S. Department of Commerce
230 S. Dearborn St., Ste. 3280
Chicago, IL 60604
(419) 544-3614
Disaster Recovery Network Resources
Miami Valley Disaster Recovery Network Structure
Miami Valley Long Term Disaster Recovery Summary Narrative
Long Term Community Recovery Planning Guide and Toolkit
List of Disaster Recovery Acronyms
List of Disaster Funding Resources
Top 10 Disaster Recovery Procurement Mistakes
Role of the Local Disaster Recovery Manager
Individual, Family and Business Disaster Recovery Resources
While the Region begins to plan for long-term community recovery, there are still individuals and families struggling to overcome the challenges brought by the disaster. More than 7,000 homes were damaged and of these, over 1,500 were destroyed. The majority of these properties are in Harrison Township, Trotwood, Northridge, Old North Dayton, Brookville, Beavercreek, and Celina. Thousands are still uncertain about permanent housing, rebuilding and repairing damaged properties, and navigating unexpected financial impact.
Laura Mercer | Executive Director
Miami Valley Long Term Recovery Operations Group 937.512.4571 Laura.Mercer@Sinclair.edu | www.MVStrong.org
Any and all questions or needs for individual/family recovery resources should be directed to Laura. She, and all the leaders of the Recovery Operations Group, can help your residents access the vast array of support available to tornado survivors.
A tornado helpline designed to help survivors that need additional assistance with recovering from the tornadoes is now available. Accessing information, services and resources can be extremely challenging. Survivors who would like assistance in navigating their recovery can call United Way's 211 HelpLink and they will be directed to special operators who will register them for one-on-one case management assistance. Tornado assistance operators are available Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 8 PM and can be reached by calling 211. Tornado affected residents in Clinton County can use the toll-free 855-405-7629 number.
If you or someone you know needs assistance, please visit www.mvstrong.org where you will find access to all available resources assembled by the amazing group of non-profit and volunteer organizations who are working together to help those impacted rebuild their lives. The www.mvstrong.org website also offers opportunities to sign up for volunteer shifts to aid disaster relief. We hope that you will continue to be involved in our Region’s recovery.
Previous Meeting Summaries:
Meeting summaries not listed here can be found on the MVRPC Committee Center.
February 13, 2020 Meeting Summary
January 9, 2020 Meeting Summary
December 12, 2019 Meeting Summary
November 14, 2019 Meeting Summary