Congestion Management Process

Congestion Management Process

Roadway congestion is a primary concern facing local and state governmental agencies in the Dayton Region as travel demand continues to outpace local, state, and federal efforts to expand roadway capacity. In order to evaluate current roadway conditions, assess regional transportation needs, and outline strategies to manage current and future roadway congestion, MVRPC has updated its Congestion Management Process (CMP) Technical Report.

Objectives of the 2015 CMP Technical Report include:

  • Identify locations of existing and future congestion;
  • Specify strategies to minimize or eliminate congestion;
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of implemented congestion management strategies; and
  • Provide input to the MVRPC Long Range Transportation Plan.

The report documents the status of regional roadway congestion based on the most recent transportation data available and the 2012 update of the Long Range Transportation Plan. Incorporated within the report are current and future regional recurring and non-recurring congestion trends along with various regional congestion management strategies, including public transportation, alternative transportation, traffic incident management, and intelligent transportation systems. This report has been redesigned to include a description of transportation conditions in the Region at the corridor level, including data on safety, congestion, mobility, freight, transit, car and bike/pedestrian), and land use. The Technical Report is intended to provide information and guidance to local, state, and federal officials on where congestion management strategies should be implemented to provide maximum congestion relief along the regional roadway network. The report can also be used by local project sponsors as evidence for capacity needs on the region's surface arterial and collector roadways.

The final Congestion Management Process Technical Report is available for download in its entirety (without large 11x17 size maps) along with a separate link to download the large maps.

Other downloadable documents include:

Corridor Profiles

In the Dayton Region, freeway travelers experience some of the worst congestion levels in the Region. As part of the congestion management process, ten freeway corridors in the Region were identified for detailed congestion study and analyses. These corridors are used to identify current and future deficiencies related to travel time and/or level of service for development of projects or programs that can be funded through various funding programs such as CMAQ,  STP or through the FTA.

The 2011 Congestion Management Process Technical Report is also available for download in its entirety (without the 11x17 maps) along with a separate link to download the 2011 CMS large maps.