The Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission (MVRPC) was designated the lead of the Long-Term Community Disaster Recovery Network, helping the counties, cities, townships, and villages impacted by the devastating Memorial Day tornadoes create a plan for recovery and resiliency.
Once recovery reached over 96% complete, our Region began to move toward preparedness planning for all communities within the MVRPC planning boundaries. In August 2022, MVRPC held a meeting to kick off the resiliency planning effort. This included representatives from across the region, such as first responders, elected leaders, community practitioners, federal and state partners, and non-profits. The meeting set the stage for the plan framework and detailed core themes that will be incorporated into the recovery work.
The regional resiliency planning effort utilized the National Disaster Recovery Framework as a guide to develop the work. Working groups were established to further support planning efforts. For more information or to be included in the planning process, please contact Elizabeth Baxter, Resiliency Planning Manager, at
Planning Committee Descriptions Planning Committee Members
Regional Resiliency Planning Overview
While we cannot predict the type, timing, location, or scale of a disaster, we know that the Dayton Region is susceptible to some types of natural and human-related hazards. The Regional Resiliency Planning effort took proactive steps toward resiliency to ensure plans and mechanisms are in place to facilitate a cohesive, organized, and successful recovery related to future disaster.
MVRPC worked with various partners across the Greater Dayton Region to:
- outline the stages of recovery
- assess various community plans and current partnerships in place to support recovery
- build a recovery network model (already in place from the 2019 tornado recovery)
- identify governmental, non-governmental, and private partners across the region to support recovery
- Identify strengths and risks within the region and understand how the members of our communities rely on these elements to support daily life
- Identify recovery activities for various areas (including economic, health & social service, housing, infrastructure, planning & development, and cultural & natural resources) to be carried out during each phase of recovery
This regional resiliency planning effort helped draft a framework that provides a consistent and organized approach to coordinate the recovery process regardless of the size of the event. Tools and resources provided will assist jurisdictions in understanding how to leverage the capabilities, expertise and resources of recovery partners to support a community-wide recovery.
Core Themes
- Coordination & Collaboration
- Inclusiveness
- Community & Stakeholder Engagement
- Resource Sharing
Miami Valley Regional Definition of Resiliency
Positioning all in the community with the ability to adapt to changing conditions, identify future natural and human-related disaster threats and hazards, and withstand, rapidly recover, and improve from disruption due to future emergencies.
State and Federal Funding Partners Summary of First Committee Planning Sessions
Regional Resiliency Planning Workshops
Resiliency Planning Kick-Of Meeting
- Miami Valley Regional Resiliency Plan Stakeholder Workshop Presentation
- Miami Valley Regional Resiliency Plan Stakeholder Workshop Meeting Minutes
- Miami Valley Regional Resiliency Plan Stakeholder Meeting Video
State Partner Workshop
Representatives from ODNR, ODOT District 7 and District 8, and Ohio EMA participated in a workshop to help local jurisdictions understand how state partners can help communities prepare for and respond to future threats and hazards.
There were three common core themes were presented by each of the agencies:
- Build relationships with local EMA, law enforcement, and other community partners
- Have a strong debris management plan
- Training, training, and more training
Reference Material:
- Introduction to Emergency Management
- Elected Officials Guide to Emergency Management
- Urban Forestry Program 2023
- ODNR Storm Damage Resource List
Building a Recovery Network Workshop
Partners from across the region came together to begin to understand how they can work together to build a recovery network which will help communities prepare for and respond faster to future hazards or threats. The group worked to establish roles and responsibilities of recovery partners, identify goals and outcomes for each disaster recovery phase, and identified possible metrics to measure recovery progress.
Reference Material: