LRTP Accessibility Analysis

From time to time, and in preparation for the next Long Range Plan update, MVRPC staff takes an in-depth look a transportation topic or issue. In SFY 2019, MVRPC completed the Accessibility Analysis for Basic Services report, looking at how the Region's residents can access basic services (groceries, medical facilities, community centers/ schools) using different transportation modes. The results highlight areas with good services and vice versa, and compare the accessibility of the general population to those of environmental justice populations. The results are published in the Accessibility for Basic Services report. You can review the analysis of the three basic services via the maps embedded below.


To view maps of the Accessibility to basic services, click the tab of the basic service analysis. You will see the map legend. Click the dark Legend title bar to toggle the legend. Then you can interact with the map by zooming and panning.




