Drive Less Live More
Instead of driving alone, find ways to bike, walk, take the bus or carpool if possible.
The Rideshare Program is a free resource from Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission (MVRPC) for those who work, live or go to college in Montgomery, Greene, Miami, Preble, Darke and Clinton Counties. Register for the Rideshare Program and explore smarter ways to commute like ride matching to form a carpool or bikepool, transit and bike routes to match your trip or form a vanpool for longer commutes. MVRPC’s Rideshare Program partners with a statewide commute solutions platform, Gohio Commute to offer smarter ways to improve how you get around Ohio.
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Funded through the Ohio Department of Transportation, the Rideshare Program goal is to improve air quality and traffic congestion through the increased use of sustainable transportation options and the reduction of single-occupancy vehicle miles traveled.
MVRPC offers employers in the Region support for sustainable transportation solutions for their workforce. The Rideshare program provides ride matching for those interested in carpools, connection to vanpool providers, transit options, bike routes and bikepool matching. Contact MVRPC to learn more about tools we can provide to help your team get to work.
The Rideshare Program is a federally funded service that is provided at no cost to employers. Rideshare representatives can meet with your company to customize solutions for your location to improve commute options for your staff.
Download the RIDESHARE Program PDF
Instead of driving alone, find ways to bike, walk, take the bus or carpool if possible.
GRH reimburses registered participants 80% of the cost of a taxicab ride
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MVRPC offers several programs and services which benefit residents, businesses and members alike. Please select the topic in which you’re interested to learn more about how MVRPC can assist you.