The Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission (MVRPC), in coordination with the Clark County Springfield Transportation Coordinating Committee (CCSTCC) and the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT), has completed a comprehensive update to the Miami Valley Regional Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Architecture, the original architecture was completed in 2005 and updated in 2008 with minor updates completed in 2013 and 2018 as a result of stakeholder requests. The Miami Valley Regional ITS Architecture effort, with its 20-year planning horizon, is built on a strong ITS interest in the region and some signature ITS projects which have brought the need for a Regional ITS Architecture to the forefront. A regional architecture is required by both the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to qualify ITS projects for federal funding after April 2005.
The Miami Valley Regional ITS Architecture covers the Dayton/Springfield area. MVRPC is the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the counties of Greene, Miami, and Montgomery as well as the Cities of Franklin, Carlisle, Springboro, and Franklin Township in northern Warren County, and the CCSTCC is the MPO for Clark County.
MVRPC has updated the regional architecture to be consistent with the recently released National Reference ITS Architecture. Similarly, ODOT/DriveOhio has completed a systems engineering analysis to develop a statewide framework for Connected and Automated Vehicles (CV/AV) technology deployments. This comprehensive framework promotes consistency and interoperability as various projects are implemented at varying scales by a wide range of stakeholders and have been incorporated in full into the Miami Valley Regional ITS Architecture. Key points of the architecture update are summarized below.
- Comprehensive update to stakeholders, elements, and services to better reflect the services that are currently in use or planned/possible in the near future.
- Addition of functional requirements for the major ITS elements in the region.
- Addition of potential communication solutions based on nationally recognized standards.
- Integration of Statewide CV/AV architecture into Regional ITS architecture.
The Miami Valley Regional ITS Architecture Reference Document is available for download.
The Miami Valley Regional ITS Architecture database in RAD-IT 9.0 software is available for download.
Progress has been made since the original architecture was developed in 2003, in addition to many signal coordination systems implemented throughout the years, the Dayton/Springfield Freeway Management System, completed in 2012, combines technological and operational solutions to reduce congestion. It also enhances existing incident and traffic management activities on these freeways and provides timely and accurate traveler information to motorists.