Short Range Plan (TIP)

While MVRPC maintains a Long Range Transportation Plan that looks 26 years into the future, the Region also maintains a more detailed transportation capital improvement program that is updated every two years. Known as the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), this short-range plan was updated in May 2023. The TIP lists transportation projects scheduled to be implemented over the next four years in Greene, Miami, Montgomery, and Warren Counties.

Draft SFY2026-2029 Transportation Improvement Program

The Region's Long Range Transportation Plan is monitored and implemented through the TIP process. Specifically outlined in the TIP are the Region's highway, bikeway/pedestrian and transit improvements that are federally and/or state financed. Before local jurisdictions can move forward with any proposed project implementation or construction, that project must first gain approval for use of federal or state dollars by the Region's policy board and become a part of the TIP.

The Final Draft SFY2026-2029 TIP list includes road construction projects, bike/pedestrian projects, bus/transit and other transportation-related projects and services planned for SFY 2026-SFY2029 (four years: July 1, 2025– June 30, 2029).

The Final SFY2026–2029 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is anticipated to be adopted in May 2025.

Download or view the Final Draft SFY2026-2029 TIP Report. Separate report sections are also available for faster download.

The meeting will take place via Zoom, a video conferencing platform, and will be held as follows:
Thursday, March 27, 2025, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Access the meeting via computer, tablet or mobile device using this link:
Enter Meeting ID: 818 1866 6087

Or call in to join the meeting by telephone:
(301) 715-8592 - Meeting ID: 818 1866 6087# US (Washington DC)
(312) 626-6799 - Meeting ID: 818 1866 6087# US (Chicago)
Participation via computer, tablet or mobile device using the link above is encouraged to take advantage of Zoom on-screen meeting features even if relying on the telephone for audio functions.
After a brief presentation featuring a summary of the FINAL DRAFT TIP and how to submit comments, MVRPC staff will be available to answer questions and accept comments.

If you are unable to attend, information will also be available for public review on MVRPC’s website at and at the MVRPC offices, 6 North Main Street, Suite 400, Dayton, OH, 45402, during regular business hours (8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday). Written comments will be accepted at the above address,  online TIP comment form or comment form below, or via email at until April 11, 2025. Comments can also be added to individual projects via the MVRPC Web TELUS online application. See the video Introduction to Web TELUS for help on using the web app.

FINAL SFY2024-2027 Transportation Improvement Program

The Region's Long Range Transportation Plan is monitored and implemented through the TIP process. Specifically outlined in the TIP are the Region's highway, bikeway/pedestrian and transit improvements that are federally and/or state-financed. Before local jurisdictions can move forward with any proposed project implementation or construction, that project must first gain approval for the use of federal or state dollars by MVRPC's Board of Directors and become a part of the TIP.

The FINAL SFY2024 – 2027 TIP list includes road construction projects, bike/pedestrian projects, bus/transit and other transportation-related projects and services planned for SFY 2024-SFY2027 (four years: July 1, 2023– June 30, 2027). The Final SFY2024 – 2027 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) was adopted in May 2023.

Download or view the FINAL SFY2024-2027 TIP Report. Separate report sections are also available for faster download.


State Fiscal Year 2024 Obligations 

The following is a list of projects in the MVRPC area, including investments in transit, roadway, pedestrian walkways and bicycle transportation facilities, for which Federal funds were obligated in State Fiscal Year 2024. Projects totaling $73 million in roadway and bike/pedestrian facilities, as well as over $50 million for transit projects, were obligated.


MVRPC now has an online application to allow you to search, query and view maps of current TIP projects. Log on to MVRPC Web TELUS to find projects. Web TELUS includes a database query application to find information about projects in the current TIP, and a mapping GIS application to let you find projects near your neighborhood. MVRPC has produced a video called Introduction to Web TELUS to help get you started.

TIP Comment

Comments for the 2026-2029 FINAL Draft Transportation Improvement Program

Download or view the FINAL Draft SFY2026-2029 TIP Report.

Public feedback is encouraged and written comments will be accepted through April 19, 2023, via the online TIP comment form, sent to the above address, or via email to Paul Arnold, Short Range Planning Manager, at Comments can also be added to individual projects via the MVRPC Web TELUS online application. See the video Introduction to Web TELUS for help on using the web app.

If yes, please fill out the contact information below.
Contact Information
Would you like a written response to your comment? If yes, then fill out the contact information below.