A Regional Transportation Planning Organization is an organization that identifies local transportation needs, conducts planning, assists local governments, and supports the statewide transportation planning process in non-metropolitan regions of a state.
The Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission (MVRPC) was designated as the Regional Transportation Planning Organization (RTPO) for the Darke-Preble-Shelby (D-P-S) Region on December 18, 2024 by Governor DeWine.
MVRPC will serve as the Regional Transportation Planning Organization (RTPO) in accordance with federal and state regulations for the purpose of conducting the nonmetropolitan transportation planning process for the RTPO Planning Area. MVRPC will use the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) to advance transportation planning and partnerships that will benefit both the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) and the member governments of the Region.
The 2050 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) for the Darke-Preble-Shelby Region was adopted by the MVRPC Board of Directors on June 6, 2024. The 2050 RTP is a 20-year multimodal transportation plan with a base year of 2020 and a planning horizon year of 2050.
The Darke, Preble, and Shelby counties’ Regional Transportation Plan strives to improve the multimodal transportation system in a manner that supports enhanced accessibility and mobility for all people and freight resulting in a higher quality of life for its residents and economic development opportunities for the Region.
The 2050 RTP lists roadway, transit, bikeway/pedestrian, and transportation alternative projects that reflect the region's shared values from various stakeholders in the region, including local elected officials, planners, engineers, business community, special interest groups, and the general public. The Plan also reflects current and projected land use patterns, regional demographics, and economic, environmental, and traffic patterns.
The 2050 RTP complete report, project list and map, and transit service area map can be downloaded in full, linked below:
2050 RTP — Complete Report
2050 RTP — Project List
2050 RTP — Project Map
2050 RTP — Transit Service Area Map
2050 RTP — Public Participation Summary
Following the adoption of the initial RTP, amendments to the RTP may occur as part of a comprehensive update (every 5 years) or annually in conjunction with STIP updates. A comprehensive Plan update requires a full public participation cycle while a minor annual update only requires approval by the RTPOSC and Policy Board.