Performance Management

Performance Management Overview

The Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act) continues to place emphasis on the performance management approach first specified in the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21).  It requires state DOTs, transit agencies, and MPOs to establish performance and outcome-based programs in several national priority areas.

While the various rules have different deadlines, generally, after a state DOT or transit agency adopt targets for a particular rule, MPOs have 180 days from the date targets are established to adopt their own targets or support the states’ or transit agencies’.  To date, MVRPC has decided to support the State’s targets for all applicable measures and has adopted the Region’s transit agencies’ targets.  

The presentation below provides an overview of performance management, required measures, and the target setting process.  It also highlights 2017 baseline information for the Miami Valley Region for each relevant measure.

View the full presentation Transportation Performance Management


Year Performance Management Area Adoption Information Other Information
2017 Transit Asset Management Transit Asset Targets  
2017 Safety Safety Targets 2018  
2018 Safety, System Conditions, Reliability, and CMAQ Safety, Pavement, Bridge, Reliability, and CMAQ Targets

TIP Amendment PM Language

Safety Performance Report

2018 Transit Asset Management 5310 Program TAM

TIP Amendment PM Language

5310 Transit Asset Management Plan

2019 Safety Safety Targets 2020  
2020 Transit Safety Transit Safety Targets 2020


2020 Safety Safety Targets 2021  
2021 Safety Safety Targets 2022  
2022 System Conditions and System Reliability Pavement, Bridge, Reliability, CMAQ, PHD, and Non-SOV Performance Targets  


Transit Asset Management

Safety Targets 2023

Transit Asset Targets 2026/2027

2023 Safety Safety Targets 2023