Non-discrimination Policy

As a recipient of federal transportation funds, the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission provides Assurance of Compliance with U. S. Department of Transportation requirements in regard to Title VI and Civil Rights. MVRPC’s Title VI program is described in a document entitled Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission Title VI Program Plan and Procedures Description,” which includes instructions on how to file a complaint and a complaint form. As recipients of federal funds, the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission and their contractors, subcontractors, material suppliers, vendors, and consultants must:

  • Ensure nondiscrimination in all of their programs and activities, whether those programs and activities are federally funded or not. The factors prohibited from consideration as a basis for discriminatory action or inaction include race, color, national origin, biological sex, sexual orientation and gender identity, disability, age, religion, genetic information, military status, low-income status, or limited English proficiency.
  • Provide Equal Employment Opportunity by not discriminating in employment based on race, religion, color, sex, national origin, disability, genetic information, age, sexual orientation, or military status.

For more information, please contact:

Regional Equity Initiative Program Manager
Fabrice Juin
6 North Main Street, Suite 400
Dayton, OH 45402

2024 Calendar Observances

The Institute for Livable & Equitable Communities at the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission encourages all community partners and local entities serving the public to be intentional about engaging with regional residents. The Miami Valley boasts a regional population that includes diverse demographic and ethnic groups. Serving this diversity in an inclusive and equitable way requires an understanding of what observances occur during the calendar year that cater to specific identities and experiences. In support of our nondiscrimination policy and as an extension of our Title VI Program, the agency provides this listing of 2024 calendar observances to help better serve our unique region. Please note that this listing is NOT meant as a mandated requirement to follow, but as an additional consideration for how to best engage the public and support your employees. If you feel any observances are missing, then please feel free to contact Title VI Coordinator Fabrice Juin (

Bolded Text-represent federal holidays observed by agency
Italicized Text-represent month-long observances without specific work restrictions

Dec. 26 –
Jan. 1
Jan. 1 New Year’s Day
Jan. 15 Martin Luther King Jr. Day
February Black History Month
Feb. 10 Lunar New Year
Feb. 19 President’s Day
March Women’s History Month
Mar. 8 Maha Shivaratri

Mar. 10 -
Apr. 9

Mar. 31 Easter

Mar. 10 -
Apr. 9


Apr. 9 -
Apr. 10

Eid al-Fitr
Apr. 22 -
Apr. 30
May Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month
May 29 Memorial Day
June LGBTQ+ Pride Month
Jun. 11 -
Jun. 13
Jun. 16 -
Jun 17
Eid al-Adha
Jun. 19 Juneteenth
July Disability Pride Month
Jul. 4 Independence Day
Jul. 26 National Disability Independence Day
Aug. 12 -
Aug. 13
Tisha B’Av
Aug. 26 Krishna Janmashtami
Sept. 12 Labor Day
Sept. 15 -
Oct. 15
Hispanic Heritage Month
Sept.15 -
Oct. 15
Hispanic Heritage Month
Oct. 2 -
Oct. 4
Rosh Hashanah
Oct. 11 -
Oct. 12
Yom Kippur
Oct. 14 Indigenous Peoples’ Day
Oct. 16 -
Oct. 17
First Days of Sukkot
Oct. 23 -
Oct. 25
Shemini Atzeret / Simchat Torah
Oct. 31 Diwali
November Native American Heritage Month
Nov. 11 Veterans Day

Nov. 23

Thanksgiving Day
Nov. 24 Day After Thanksgiving
Dec. 24 Christmas Eve
Dec. 25 Christmas Day
Dec. 25 -
Jan. 2
Dec. 26 -
Jan. 1