
Regional Bikeways Committee March 2020 - CANCELED

In light of COVID-19 concerns, we are canceling the Quarterly Regional Bikeways CommittEe Meeting scheduled for March 13, 2020.


Regional Bikeways Committee meeting . This committee gathers to share knowledge and experience on bikeway projects and pursue regional active transportation solutions. Meetings are open to the public. Free on-site parking. Carpooling is encouraged.

In partnership with Bike Miami Valley and Rail-to-Trails, MVRPC is pleased to offer a more robust agenda.

The agenda for this meeting on March 13 will include:

  • Updates from the City of Tipp City
  • March 25th Advocacy Day and the State Capital Budget
  • Hosting a Trail Influencer
  • The Bike Plan Mini-Summit

We’re looking forward to seeing you at this engaging discussion on Bike Transportation across the Miami Valley.