Watershed Committees

MVRPC has established and maintains a management structure responsible for prioritizing issues, coordinating activities, and gathering input for the Plan. This management structure is detailed in the Areawide Water Quality Management Structure policy.

The foundations of the management structure are two watershed-based committees: 1) the Great Miami Watershed Network and 2) the Little Miami Basin Council. The Great Miami Watershed Network is jointly coordinated by MVRPC and the Miami Conservancy District and includes representatives from the entire Great Miami River Basin, including portions of MVRPC’s planning area. The Network meets quarterly.

The Little Miami Basin Council includes representatives from the portion of the Little Miami River basin within Greene County. These committees meet on an as needed basis and are open to all those who have an interest in local and regional water resource issues. Participants include representatives from local jurisdictions, health departments, County Soil and Water Conservation Districts, watershed groups, businesses, and citizens.

The Areawide Facility Planning Subcommittee (AFPSC) joins all wastewater treatment operators as well as other water quality interests in the watershed under one umbrella.  The AFPSC has first review of all proposed amendments to the AWQMP and guides the MVRPC staff’s planning process. Recommendations for amendments to the AWQMP from the AFPSC are forwarded to the MVRPC Technical Advisory Committee, and ultimately to the MVRPC Board of Directors.