MVRPC Background & History

In 2014, MVRPC celebrated 50 years of serving the Miami Valley Region. More history and accomplishments of the Agency and the Region are collected in our 50 Year History Timeline

In the early 60's, business leaders and Chambers of Commerce in the Region agreed that a vehicle to study and propose solutions to regional problems (those which cross jurisdictional boundaries) was needed. The result of the consensus was the formation of MVRPC in 1964, under Section 713.21 of the Ohio Revised Code. Membership included both elected officials and private sector representatives.

In the 70's, in response to Federal mandates, (and plentiful dollars to fund them), the organization gradually evolved into one solely comprised of elected officials, covering Darke, Greene, Miami, Montgomery and Preble Counties.

In the 1980’s, federal programs and funds dramatically decreased, resulting in a much smaller organization, but also one with fewer constraints on its structure and functions.

In 1984, MVRPC adopted a new Strategic Plan and revised its Bylaws to reflect a more locally responsive and locally determined organization. Private sector membership (up to 25 percent) was also reinstated.

Also in the early 80's, the Transportation Coordinating Committee, the transportation planning body for the urbanized area (Montgomery and Greene Counties) which had been jointly housed with MVRPC for many years, formally became part of MVRPC.

The 1990’s were about improving the Region’s coordination and economic development, with emphasis on transportation investments. MVRPC focused on enhancing public participation and regional decision making, providing accessibility around the Region, and improving watershed and air quality.

During the 2000’s, the Region saw significant change due to the Great Recession. In response, MVRPC focused on five major elements to support a stronger economy: corridors of commerce, partnerships, quality of life, and providing resources to communities and organizations. In 2005, Franklin, Carlisle, and Springboro joined MVRPC, extending the Region into Warren County.

In the 2010’s, the Region began to recover from the recession, learning to do more with less, and finding innovative ways to build on our distinctive qualities and assets. In 2013, Brian O. Martin, AICP, became Executive Director of MVRPC. The Strategic Plan was updated, and the Agency re-organized adding a new Sustainable Solutions and Transportation Alternatives Department, as well as finishing the Going Places initiative and developing Planning Tools.