Keeping the public informed on major transportation projects and safety issues is important. MVRPC has several outreach initiatives and campaigns to keep motorists, cyclists and pedestrians safe and aware.
Transportation Safety Campaigns
MVRPC has launched several transportation safety campaigns for many types of transportation issues facing all users.
In 2018, a safety campaign was launched focusing on seat belt use, proper child safety-seat use, and safe cycling guidelines in response to a statewide increase in injuries or deaths related to the reduced use of seat belt, improper use of child safety seats, and lack of bike helmet use. The safety topics have been expanded to include motorcycle safety reminders and distracted driving.
Street Smart Campaign
MVRPC was proud to be the local sponsor of the Street Smart Pedestrian Safety Campaign. In 2017, you may have seen powerful images on billboards, or on the sides of buses, encouraging drivers to watch out for pedestrians, and encouraging pedestrians to walk defensively.
Share the Road Cyclist Awareness
MVRPC developed Share the Road materials to make sharing our Region’s roads safer for everyone – motorists and bicyclists alike. Local communities can use these downloadable materials to launch their own safety messages and campaigns.
Safe Cycling Tips
MVRPC developed two (2) public service announcement regarding “Safe Cycling Tips” featuring former Bike Miami Valley Executive Director, Laura Estandia and MVRPC Executive Director, Brian O. Martin, AICP. Launched during “National Bike Month,” these PSAs are geared to both Cyclists and Motorists.
Air Quality Awareness
Air Quality Actions
MVRPC’s Air Quality Awareness Program was developed as a public education/behavior modification program in an effort to inform Dayton/Springfield residents about air pollution issues and how their behavior can impact not only the Region's air quality, but also traffic congestion. Actions residents can take to improve air quality were developed into advertisements available to view on the Air Quality Advertising Efforts webpage.
MVRPC sponsors the local RIDESHARE Program which is available for FREE to anyone who lives, works or attends college in Montgomery, Greene, Miami, Preble, Darke and Clinton Counties. The benefits of ridesharing and information on the program are advertised each year throughout the Region across many different media outlets. View the advertising efforts on the Rideshare Media webpage.
Executive Director Updates
Executive Director, Brian O. Martin, publishes an update each month highlighting a variety of topics related to the agency and the Region. This update is distributed at the Board of Director’s meeting, emailed to registered recipients and published on the website. View the Executive Director’s Update webpage to view previous updates and submit your email address in the green box titled “Stay connected” to receive future updates.