Dayton, OH - Gear up to walk, bike, carpool, or take the bus to the 2018 Drive Less, Live More events this summer. Each year the Drive Less, Live More initiative collaborates with entities around the community to create rewarding opportunities to use alternative transportation. Gas is bouncing around $2.30 to $2.60 a gallon with concerns it might go higher this summer. In addition, roadway construction may cause some delays or roadway closures. Now is the perfect time to explore alternative ways to get around town – and the Drive Less, Live More initiative can help by saving you money, helping you get fit, and allowing you to enjoy free tickets to local events.
Presented by three Miami Valley organizations – the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission (MVRPC), the Greater Dayton Regional Transit Authority (RTA), and Five Rivers MetroParks (FRMP) – Drive Less, Live More could be the best solution for you to explore alternative transportation.
“Drive Less, Live More encourages residents to use transportation alternatives, such as biking, walking, carpooling and transit,” explained Brian O. Martin, AICP, MVRPC’s Executive Director. “We offer information and encouragement to show how easy it is to integrate these transportation alternatives into everyday activities.”
The Miami Valley Region offers:
- The Nation’s Largest Paved Trail Network, suitable for biking or walking, covering over 340 miles;
- The RIDESHARE Program that links people interested in carpooling to work or college; and
- Region-wide transit systems connecting people to jobs, attractions and more.
Each of these transportation options is outlined in detail on the Drive Less, Live More website (www.drivelesslivemore.org) or you can call 937.223.6323 for more information.
See the full listing of events here