
MVRPC Regional Equity Kickoff Listening Session

MVRPC Regional Equity Kickoff Listening Session

The purpose of this session is to seek your guidance in figuring out what our next steps should be in addressing the issue of inequity
in our region.

  • Event: Miami Valley Equity Initiative Kickoff Listening Session
  • When: October 26, 2017, 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
  • Where: MVRPC’s Office, 10 North Ludlow, Suite 700, Dayton, Ohio 45402
  • RSVP: Ms. Lynn Zuch at 937-223-6323 or lzuch@mvrpc.org

The following provides background information and MVRPC’s goals for this session:

MVRPC, in partnership with the U. S. Department of Transportation’s Ladders of Opportunity Initiative, seeks to revitalize communities, connect people to resources, and improve economic vitality and socioeconomic mobility. Addressing inequity in our region is vital to our Region’s future.

In June of this year, MVRPC published the Miami Valley Equity Regional Profile. This profile is to increase awareness of our pressing matters, racial and economic inequity in our region and to spark collaborative efforts to ensure that all residents have the opportunity to succeed and take part in the Region’s future prosperity. The summary of this profile is enclosed and we strongly encourage you to view our web-based profile.

As we make efforts to move forward, we would first like to learn from you who have insight and experience dealing with the issues of equity. A discussion on how best to approach equity initiatives will ensure that we are mindful and build an approach that will lead to strong working partnerships with positive and lasting results.