The Great Miami River Watershed Network will host a meeting on Wednesday, December 7 from 1-3pm at Five Rivers MetroParks headquarters at 409 E. Monument Ave., 3rd Floor, Dayton, OH 45402
The topic is “What’s Next For Water – Updates from water leaders”.
- State of the Water – a summary of current quality and quantity conditions of the streams, rivers, and aquifers of the Great Miami River Watershed from Mike Ekberg, MCD
- Ohio policies and programs – updates from Bonnie Buthker of the Ohio EPA, Jordan Hoewischer of the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation, and the Ohio Department of Agriculture (invited) on initiatives that impact water
- Regional programs and initiatives – updates from the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission, Great Miami Riverway, the Lower Great Miami River Nutrient Modeling Study, and the Great Miami River Watershed Joint Board
Please RSVP to Matt Lindsay by December 5.