Membership Information

Organizations that join MVRPC receive tangible member services from experienced MVRPC staff.  Members are also an integral participant in the regional decision making process on important matters that enhance the Region’s quality of life and economic vitality.

MVRPC serves the Miami Valley Region in multiple capacities.

Voluntary Association of Local Governments

MVRPC provides members the opportunity to make decisions on issues that matter to government, businesses, colleges and universities, and other agencies.  This includes weighing in on Ohio and Federal policy proposals that address infrastructure funding, local tax collection, transportation, and development needs.  Our members provide input and discuss local issues that increase cooperation and partnership opportunities in rural, suburban, or urban areas across this Region.

Regional Planning Commission

The Ohio Revised Code provided the Governor the authority to form MVRPC in 1964.  The agency supports member organization’s planning and policy development efforts and serves as a resource to supplement their in-house planning and technical capacity via a variety of planning services.  Examples include planning process consultation, project scoping facilitation, and Geographic Information System (GIS) datasets, comprehensive and long range plans, and socioeconomic factors.  Our recently concluded regional planning process culminated with 11 Tools that focus on local and regional needs.   Members have the opportunity to serve on committees and provide input to the development of these tools ensuring that their local needs are met.

MVRPC is the Areawide Water Quality planning agency for Montgomery, Greene, Miami, Preble, and Darke Counties on behalf of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA).  This planning process ensures that our rivers and creeks are protected from pollution from urbanization and population growth through ample sanitary sewers and stormwater management processes

Metropolitan Planning Organization

This Federal and State of Ohio designation provides MVRPC with broad regional planning responsibility and annual allocation of $18M in federal transportation funds for eligible highway and bridge projects, transit needs, and expanding the Region’s trails.  These federal funds are also used for regional planning initiatives and studies upon the approval of Ohio and Federal agencies.  MVRPC members are eligible to apply for federal funds for projects within their jurisdiction.  Federal funds provide up to 80 percent of construction costs for most projects.  The funding categories are Surface Transportation Program (STP), Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality (CMAQ) and Transportation Alternatives (TA).

If your jurisdiction or agency would benefit from being a part of the collaboration and decision helping promote economic vitality and quality of life in the Miami Valley Region, read more about how to join MVRPC. Now is a great time to be a part of MVRPC!