Our Vision

STRATEGIC PLAN - ADOPTED: December 5, 2024

The Miami Valley Region in Southwest Ohio is made up of unique entities united by a history of innovation, strong work ethic, and a welcoming culture. Founded upon the principles of regional collaboration, cooperation, and consensus, the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission (MVRPC) serves as the area’s common ground where people, communities and organizations come together to work toward a shared vision. We convene, collaborate, plan, and implement innovative, sustainable strategies that enhance the quality of life and economic vitality of all areas of the Region, whether urban, suburban, or rural.


MVRPC contributes to the advancement of the Region’s economic vitality, enhanced quality of life, strong sense of place, and expanded opportunities that attract and retain talented individuals and organizations to the Miami Valley Region.


MVRPC promotes collaboration among communities, partners, stakeholders, and residents to identify, plan, and implement projects and priorities that move our Region closer to the Vision.


Our values are critical to how MVRPC conducts its business.

Transparency – We ensure that the public has the opportunity to observe, debate, question, and participate in the agency’s planning process.
Integrity – We maintain high ethics, a fair and balanced approach to issues, and strong standards of professionalism in all aspects of the agency’s work.
Innovation – We create and offer inventive and pioneering solutions for the Region through expanded use of technology, process improvements, and adaptive methods from other fields or regions.
Inclusion – We seek active participation, collaboration, and contribution by everyone in the planning process through cultural competence and open dialogue.
Diversity – We welcome unique views and pursue input from participants of all backgrounds, including but not limited to race, color, national origin, income status, locality, age, gender identity, religion, sexual orientation or ability.
Equity – We pursue a condition of parity across the regional community by being intentional about improving the quality of life for populations that are underserved, under-resourced, and vulnerable.


1. Regional Stewardship – We think regionally while making decisions on policies and issues affecting the Miami Valley. Our members and staff collaborate on regional topics that improve service delivery, fairness, and quality of life.


  • Foster Regional Thinking – We conduct planning studies and provide outreach opportunities for education, collaboration, and feedback on projects and policies that affect us all.
  • Transcend Boundaries – We facilitate discussions and provide technical support that coordinates development and infrastructure design for the benefit of everyone.
  • Ensure Basic Opportunities – We support advancement in access to education, affordable housing, quality healthcare, and workforce development as requirements for a thriving Region.
  • Discover Shared Solutions – We promote, advocate, and co-create responsive and collaborative solutions to specific regional problems.
  • Develop Regional Priorities – We address regional needs that further shared social, economic, transportation and environmental goals.

2. Vibrant Communities – We leverage and protect the considerable resources of the Miami Valley Region by gathering public input, adopting plans and securing public, and private funding to enhance our Region and communities.


  • Promote Transportation Choices – We pursue continued development of a strong multi-modal network in the Region to ensure that people and goods reach their destinations safely, securely and efficiently.
  • Attract Funding – We maintain and upgrade regional infrastructure systems by setting performance targets and priorities, while providing and securing funding for maintenance, safety, security, performance, use, and aesthetics.
  • Promote Regional Perspective – We promote and facilitate the implementation of adopted policies and plans that help achieve the region’s shared vision and mission.
  • Encourage local planning – We support and strengthen local planning efforts by providing Regional perspective and expanding planning capabilities, through technical expertise, best practices and solutions.

3. Partnerships – We work cooperatively with business, community, and government organizations and jurisdictions to form collaborations that lead to shared initiatives.


  • Update the Region’s Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) – We partner on the CEDS to discuss strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in Shaping our Region’s Future Together.
  • Expand our partnerships with community organizations and professional associations – We partner and network to bring solutions and opportunities that provide fresh insights and add value.
  • Expand our existing partnerships with government – We work with numerous local, state, and federal agencies to implement projects, programs, and services for our members.
  • Promote communication – We encourage timely communication among partners using effective methods that are convenient, user friendly, and comprehensive.

4. Sustainable Solutions and Environment – We focus on strategies that preserve and enhance valuable eco-services and resources. When properly preserved and protected, the natural environment contributes to the overall health of the region by filtering water and air, moderating extreme weather events, storing carbon, and protecting valuable topsoil.


  • Effective clean air programs – We encourage use of electric vehicles, rideshare, transit, and active transportation to reduce emissions and reliance on petroleum-based products.
  • Promote energy efficiency – We identify innovative policies and programs that reduce the Region’s greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint through energy efficiency and use of renewable fuels.
  • Ensure Environmental Justice – We support residents, neighborhoods, and local groups in the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people in the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies.
  • Protect water resources – We work to protect the Great Miami Buried Valley Aquifer, wells, and recharge systems which sustain the Region.
  • Protect the environment – We partner to provide best practices and innovative solutions to preserve fragile systems including open spaces, riparian corridors, brownfield-impacted neighborhoods, floodplains, wetlands and forested areas.
  • Encourage eco-friendly design practices – We encourage development that creates clean stormwater runoff, protects urban forestry and agricultural resources, and restores rivers and streams to protect our Region from natural disasters.

Strategic Plan 2024 PDF