News and Events

In the News

Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission Introduces Additional Web Maps and Data Resources

MVRPC is pleased to introduce new interactive web maps and data resources which have been added to MVRPC’s Online Map Gallery. Read full article

MVRPC launches Street Smart Pedestrian Safety campaign

MVRPC launches a pedestrian safety campaign In response to the alarming increase in pedestrian related crashes this year. Read full article

2040 Long Range Transportation Plan Adopted by MVRPC Board of Directors

The MVRPC Board of Directors adopted the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (2040 Plan). The 2040 Plan outlines nearly $5 billion in transportation investments over the next 25 years. The development of the plan is a necessary step to obtain federal transportation funds . Read full article

MVRPC marking National Air Quality Awareness Week, May 2-6, 2016

MVRPC will be making daily posts and tweets about the steps residents can take to reduce air pollution on MVRPC’s Facebook and Twitter pages, so be sure to like and follow MVRPC to learn more. Read full article

New videos from MVRPC

MVRPC developed three, short videos that highlight the role the agency plays in residents’ lives. Watch each video to learn more about how MVRPC is Shaping the Region’s Future Together. Read full article