News and Events

In the News

MVRPC is Seeking Photographs which Highlight our Region’s Strongest Assets

Take a photo of a street, park, vista, bike trail, or other public space, in the Miami Valley Region that you love, and send it to MVRPC. Read full article

Public Participation Meeting Set to Review Proposed Transportation Projects being considered for Federal Funding.

MVRPC will hold a Public Participation Meeting on November 5, 2015 to present proposed transportation projects being considered for Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) funding through the STP and TA Program. Read full article

FY2017 Priority Development and Advocacy Committee (PDAC) Project Submittal

MVRPC staff is currently soliciting MVRPC area jurisdictions beginning on October 15, 2015 for new FY2017 PDAC Transportation and Government Services Projects. Read full article

State of Ohio TRAC Hearing

MVRPC published a video highlighting the need for TRAC funding to address deficiencies on US35. Read full article

Public Participation Meetings to be held regarding the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan Update.

MVRPC will hold 3 meetings for public input on the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan Update; Oct. 20 in Troy, Ohio, Oct. 21 in Dayton, Ohio and Oct. 22 in Xenia, Ohio. Read full article