Dayton, OH – As part of the efforts to prepare for the 2020 Census, the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission (MVRPC) is participating in the Census Participant Statistical Areas Program (PSAP), an effort by the U.S. Census Bureau to update the boundaries for Census block groups, tracts, and Census Designated Places. The goal of this program is to update the boundaries so that they reflect changes in population and, when possible, the needs of local Census data users. MVRPC staff is coordinating this effort for the counties of Darke, Greene, Miami, Montgomery, and Preble.
MVRPC will be holding an open-house style workshop to gather information from interested parties on how these boundaries should or should not be changed. No formal presentations will be made at this workshop and interested parties are invited to arrive any time during the designated three-hour period.
The meeting will be held as follows:
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission
10 N. Ludlow Street
Suite 700
Courthouse Square - Dayton, OH
11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
The purpose of this meeting is to provide interested parties the opportunity to supply input on the proposed changes already identified and to suggest any additional modifications. Participants are encouraged to bring supporting documentation for any changes they may suggest. Maps showing the proposed changes are available on the MVRPC website at www.mvrpc.org/data-mapping/census-data-center/2020-census-resource-page. The maps will also be available at the MVRPC offices, 10 N. Ludlow Street, Suite 700, Dayton, OH, 45402, during regular business hours (8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday). Comments or proposed changes may be submitted to MVRPC via e-mail to Elizabeth Whitaker at ewhitaker@mvrpc.org or mailed to the address listed above any time before April 26, 2019.
Established in 1964, the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission promotes collaboration among communities, stakeholders, and residents to advance regional priorities. MVRPC is a forum and resource where the Board of Directors identifies priorities and develops public policy and collaborative strategies to improve quality of life throughout the Miami Valley Region. MVRPC performs various regional planning activities, including air quality, water quality, transportation, land use, research and GIS. As the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), MVRPC is responsible for transportation planning in Greene, Miami and Montgomery Counties and parts of northern Warren County. MVRPC's areawide water quality planning designation encompasses five (5) counties: Darke, Preble plus the three MPO counties.
For additional information about MVRPC’s participation in the PSAP, contact Elizabeth Whitaker, Senior Planner, at (937) 223-6323 or ewhitaker@mvrpc.org