Dayton, OH - On May 5, 2016, the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission’s Board of Directors adopted the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (2040 Plan). The development of the plan is a necessary step to obtain federal transportation funds that are distributed through the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and represents the Region's top priorities for funding. The 2040 Plan meets federal planning mandates, is fiscally constrained, and demonstrates conformity to applicable air quality standards.
The 2040 Plan includes both short and long-range, multi-modal, transportation projects and is developed in cooperation with local governments, regional transit agencies, and the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) and is vetted through MVRPC’s public participation process. The 2040 Plan outlines nearly $5 billion in transportation investments over the next 25 years. The investments include roadway, regional bikeway, pedestrian, transit and other multi-modal strategies, projects and programs. The plan is updated every four (4) years and it may be amended as a result of changes in projected federal, state or local funding.
“The 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan is the result of a coordinated, transportation planning effort, with our member jurisdictions and partnering agencies, in order to implement regional, transportation priorities. Our staff makes sure the final plan reflects these priorities which will benefit this Region for years to come,” stated MVRPC’s Executive Director, Brian O. Martin, AICP.
More information about the Long Range Transportation Plan is available at: http://www.mvrpc.org/transportation/long-range-planning-lrtp/current-long-range-transportation-plan
Established in 1964, the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission promotes collaboration among communities, stakeholders, and residents to advance regional priorities. MVRPC is a forum and resource where the Board of Directors identifies priorities, develops public policy and collaborative strategies to improve quality of life throughout the Miami Valley Region. MVRPC performs various regional planning activities, including air quality, water quality, transportation, land use, research and GIS. As the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), MVRPC is responsible for transportation planning in Greene, Miami and Montgomery Counties and parts of northern Warren County. MVRPC's areawide water quality planning designation encompasses five (5) counties: Darke, Preble plus the three MPO counties.
For additional information about the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan, contact Ana Ramirez, P.E., MVRPC’s Director of Long Range Planning & Engineering, at (937) 223-6323.