
Sustainability Roundtable: Solid Waste Management

Sustainability Roundtable: solid Waste Management

The next MVRPC Sustainability Roundtable continues our discussions of solid waste management. The session will be held online, and is set for Wednesday, November 18, 2020 from 10:00 am to 11:30 AM.

Our specific topic at this session will focus on strategies to help households and businesses in your community “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle More.” Our speakers are nationally-recognized experts on “Pay as You Throw” and “TRUE Certification.”

  • Dr. Lisa Skumatz is Principal and President of Skumatz Economic Research Associates, Inc. (SERA). Dr. Skumatz will share insights on approaches to implementing a “Pay as You Throw” approach to community solid waste management and will be joined by a representative of local government who will share first-hand experience from their community. 
  • Stephanie Barger is the US Green Building Council’s Director of Market Transformation & Development for the TRUE zero waste program, and will be sharing how your local businesses can use TRUE to reduce their waste, thereby reducing your community’s solid waste costs. Barger will be joined by Krista Jaeger, Cintas Manager of Sustainability who will share her company's direct experience in the TRUE program. 

We hope you can join us for this FREE online session as we continue to work for a more sustainable Miami Valley. Please reply or call with any questions. Thanks for your participation! 

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Meeting ID: 893 4095 4729
Passcode: 421261

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Meeting ID: 893 4095 4729
Passcode: 421261

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kzzCNx9RE

Also, please take note that Ohio EPA's 2021 Grant Cycle for the Recycling and Litter Prevention Program opened on November 2, 2020. These four grant programs support communities, nonprofits, businesses and academic institutions that initiate or expand recycling programs, encourage sustainable practices, stimulate economic growth and support litter prevention efforts. More information on these grants can be found on the Ohio EPA web site.