Ohio EPA Water Quality Monitoring Strategy Webinar
Ohio EPA Division of Surface Water is looking for your feedback. They are early in the process of enhancing Ohio’s water quality monitoring approach and schedule. On July 10th they will introduce the two-pronged approach and provide opportunity for initial comments and questions. In the second part of the event, they will solicit feedback on which project areas to prioritize for sampling and where within project areas have implementation actions been taken to abate pollution or restore streams.
Event Details
Date: July 10, 2019
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Who should attend: Stakeholders with an interest in Ohio's aquatic life monitoring in rivers and streams (watershed groups, planning agencies, state and local agencies, environmental organizations, industry groups, universities and water quality professionals)
Locations: Six facilities throughout Ohio
Southwest - Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission
10 North Ludlow Street, Suite 700
Dayton, OH 45402
RSVP: Please RSVP to Kathryn Hamilton at kathryn.hamilton@epa.ohio.gov by July 3, 2019 with:
- Your name
- Organization
- Location where you are going to attend
More information
For a preview of Ohio EPA's enhanced monitoring approach, please see the fact sheet on the Ohio EPA web site at: https://epa.ohio.gov/dsw/bioassess/ohstrat.