
Miami Valley Disaster Recovery August 2020

The Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission (MVRPC) is the designated leader of the Long-Term Community Disaster Recovery Network, helping the counties, cities, townships and villages impacted by the devastating Memorial Day tornadoes create a plan for recovery and resiliency.  Each month, MVRPC convenes the leaders from impacted communities to provide recovery updates and share resources.  To learn more about the Long-Term Disaster Recovery Network please visit https://www.mvrpc.org/news/general-news/miami-valley-disaster-recovery .  For more information or to be included in notifications of these meetings, please contact Stacy Schweikhart, MVRPC Director of Strategy and Engagement by email at sschweikhart@mvrpc.org

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Meeting ID: 833 8133 3780

One tap mobile: +13126266799,,83381333780#