
Miami Valley Climate Seminar: Climate Justice

2021 MVRPC Climate Change Seminar to Focus on Climate Justice

The Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission invites you to participate in the second annual Miami Valley Climate Change Seminar on Wednesday, February 24, 2021. The virtual event is free to attend and will feature a focused conversation on Climate Justice. The registration link is below, and the Zoom log-in information for the seminar will be included in your event registration confirmation email.



10:00 AM Morning Keynote Presentation

We are honored to welcome Ms. Jacqueline Patterson, Director of the NAACP Environmental and Climate Justice Program, as the Keynote Speaker of the 2021 Climate Change Seminar. Jacqui Patterson has worked as a researcher, program manager, coordinator, advocate and activist working on women‘s rights, violence against women, HIV&AIDS, racial justice, economic justice, and environmental and climate justice. Recognizing that environmental injustices, including climate change, have a disproportionate impact on communities of color and low income communities in the United States and around the world, the NAACP Environmental and Climate Justice Program was created to provide resources and support community leadership in addressing this human and civil rights issue by advocating for three objectives: reduction in harmful emissions, particularly greenhouse gases; advancing energy efficiency and clean energy; and strengthening community resilience and livability.

Ms. Patterson is a prominent voice at the intersection of the climate and racial justice crises; this is sure to be an impactful session with a call to action for our region, state and nation.

Afternoon Sessions

1:00 PM Driving Equity, Now! An Overview of Equitable Development by Carlton Eley, MVRPC Regional Equity Initiative Manager - Advancing equity is the unfinished business of the planning profession.  This 45-minute session explores how planning can advance place-based solutions that are responsive to the needs of populations that are underserved and vulnerable.  

2:00 PM Climate Solutions Simulation by En-ROADS - The En-ROADS Climate Workshop helps to identify the most effective mix of strategies to address climate change via interactive testing of the cutting-edge simulation model En-ROADS. The resulting experience is hopeful, scientifically-grounded, action-oriented, and eye-opening. Join En-ROADS facilitators Karen Jeffers-Tracy and Steve Schlather for an interactive session exploring climate stakeholders, negotiations, and solutions.