Seminar: Nutrient Impairment of Surface Water
Attend this free seminar to hear about cutting edge research, trends and solutions to the persistent problem of nutrients in our rivers, streams and lakes. Our confirmed list of speakers includes:
- Dr. Elizabeth Dayton - Soil Scientist in the School of Environment and Natural Resources at The Ohio State University.
- Dr. Silvia E. Newell – Associate Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Wright State University
- Derek Schlea, LimnoTech
- Mike Ekberg, Miami Conservancy District
Topics to be covered will include latest research on Phosphorus, Nitrogen, and recent studies and findings on the state of the Great Miami River watershed.
Date: Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Time: 1:00 pm to 4:00 PM
Location: Dayton Area Board of Realtors, 1515 S. Main Street, Dayton, OH 45409
Registration: The Seminar is FREE but registration is required. Click here to register for the Seminar.