
Complete Streets Training at the 2023 Miami Valley Cycling Summit

Elected officials, administration, and staff from jurisdictions across the Miami Valley are invited to attend and learn about the benefits of complete streets and how your community can get started on developing a local complete streets policy. Attendance at the Cycling Summit is free, as is registration for this training.

The course examines why Complete Streets programs and projects are incorporated into a community. It also provides instruction on creating and integrating Complete Streets into a jurisdiction’s policies and processes. The course is divided into three portions:

The Introduction provides information on relevant concepts and theories related to the need for Complete Streets. This information dives into the historical background and the benefits of Complete Streets as it relates to different policies, systems, and environmental factors.
The Complete Streets Strategies section fosters critical thinking about the components of effective Complete Streets plans and policies and consideration of best practices.
The third and final portion – Planning for Implementation – walks the participants through the process of developing a Complete Streets implementation strategy.

Communities may want to consider sending “staff teams” from multiple departments to begin the internal conversation on complete streets in your community.

Register for the Miami Valley Cycling Summit, and be sure to Add on the Complete Streets Course to your registration.