Welcome to the Committee Center
Meeting agendas, minutes, downloads and links for upcoming and past meetings, are all conveniently located here. At the bottom of the page are links to the MVRPC staff directory, Board of Directors and TAC member listings, and directions to meeting locations. These meeting location directions include both the MVRPC offices at 6 North Main Street, Suite 400, where most meetings are held, and directions to the Dayton Realtors building at 1515 South Main Street, Dayton, Ohio, where MVRPC’s Executive Committee and Board of Directors meetings are held.
A brief tutorial video about MVRPC meetings is available at mvrpc.org/meeting-overview. This video describes who participates as a board member and the board’s priorities and goals. It also features examples of topics reviewed during meetings. Also, download the MVRPC Glossary, Board Orientation 2021 presentation, Transportation Planning briefing book, or Acronym Brochure. All are welcome to attend.
MVRPC Member Map

As of July 1, 2024