Comité Directivo del Instituto
El Comité Directivo del Instituto es una junta de liderazgo de 13 miembros compuesta por representantes de organizaciones miembros de MVRPC o patrocinadores del Instituto que:
- Provide oversight, guidance and advisory leadership to accomplish the mission and vision for the MVRPC Institute for Livable & Equitable Communities.
- Establish strategic direction for the Institute and determine near and long-term priorities for the ISC and all Institute Sub-Committees.
- Appoint members to serve on the established Institute Sub-Committees.
- Evaluate and explore evidence based solutions and create synergy for the Institute strategic priorities.
- Ensure a sustainable operations strategy and alignment of resources to accomplish the established strategic priorities.
- Advocate for funding, legislation, and policy adoption in support of Institute strategic priorities.
- Offer formal motions of support, recognition and commendation for efforts aligned with Institute strategic priorities.