b'STRENGTHENING THE MIAMI VALLEY REGIONJoseph A. Graves, Troy Area Chamber of Commerce Marilan Moir, Miami Township - Greene CountyForrest Greenwood, City of Bellbrook Brian Morris, Franklin TownshipPaul W. Gruner, Montgomery County Engineer John Morris, Miami Township - Montgomery CountyRichard Herbst, City of Vandalia Paul Murphy, Sinclair CollegeKaren Hesser, Five Rivers MetroParks J. Scott Myers, Miami County Park DistrictWalt Hibner, CenterPoint Energy *Robin I. Oda, City of TroyJeff Hoagland, Dayton Development Coalition Michael Parks, The Dayton Foundation*Larry Holmes, Darke County Matt Parrill, ODOT District 7*Brian Housh, Village of Yellow Springs *Cindy Pearson, City of PiquaPaul P. Huelskamp, Miami County Engineer Joe Renner, City of EatonJeff Jones, City of Germantown Robert Ruzinsky, Greater Dayton RTA*Matt Joseph, City of Dayton Greg Sample, Wright State UniversityDebbie Kemper, City of Carlisle Monyca Schlechty, Village of New MadisonChris Kershner, Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce Robert Schwab, City of Tipp City*Tony Klepacz, City of Kettering Bill Serr, City of CentervilleKevin Knepp, City of Fairborn Derek Shell, Village of Farmersville*Tom Koogler, Greene County *Woody Stroud, Greene County TransitDr. Morakinyo Kuti, Central State University Don Stump, Village of BradfordLaura Leffler, FHWA-OH Jeff Subler, Village of VersaillesCharles Letner, City of Brookville Jeffrey Trzeciak, Dayton Metro LibraryMaryLynn Lodor, Miami Conservancy District Neil Tunison, Warren Co. TIDKristen Marks, Centerville-Washington Park District Roger M. Van Frank, Darke County Park DistrictSarah Mays, City of Xenia *Beth van Haaren, Bethel TownshipEdward L. McCord, Village of Covington Scott Vincent, Wright Patterson Air Force BaseMary A. McDonald, City of Trotwood *Rachael Vonderhaar, Preble CountyAnthony Miller, Village of West Milton Steve Willman, City of GreenvilleScott Miller, Xenia Township Dale Winner, Clay TownshipMardie Milligan, City of Sidney*Denotes MVRPC Executive Committee7'