b'MVRPC 2022 ANNUAL REPORTVIBRANT COMMUNITIESWe leverage the considerable resources of the Miami Valley Region, public, and private funding to nurture and enhance our Region as well as our communities.Actions for VibrantActive Transportation Plan Adopted Communities: The Regional Active Transportation Plan (AT Plan) for the Miami Valley updates PROMOTE TRANSPORTATIONand expands on past planning work for regional bikeways by including, for the CHOICESfirst time, examination of walking infrastructure and also how walking and biking infrastructure serves residents accessing public transit. ATTRACT INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDINGThe AT Plan reviews the connectivity and accessibility of infrastructure PROMOTE THE TRANSPORTATIONsupporting non-motorized modes and recommending projects, policies and AND LAND USE VISIONapproaches for a system of facilities that achieves the AT Plans Vision. The SUPPORT LOCAL PLANNINGActive Transportation Plan Vision is to provide safe and equitable walking, EFFORTSbiking and transit connections which enhance access to opportunity, well-being, environmental benefits, and quality of life for all. MVRPCs Long Range and Active Transportation Plans are for the agencys designated MPO area: Greene, Miami, and Montgomery Counties, plus municipalities of Springboro, Franklin, Carlisle, and Franklin Township in northern Warren County.The AT Plan was developed with guidance from a Steering Committee which represented various perspectives and voices of the regional active transportation system along with public input and review of similar plans. The plan was adopted by the MVRPC Board of Director on October 6, 2022. For More InformationVisit mvrpc.org/atplan to learn more.12'