b'STRENGTHENING THE MIAMI VALLEY REGIONMONTGOMERY COUNTY The STP federal funding through MVRPC along with local City of Moraine funds allowed the City of Moraine to completely overhaul a DRYDEN ROADportion of a deteriorating major arterial that provides direct PID #105854 access to Interstate 75. The project enhanced safety, improved accessibility, and alleviated concerns by many of our businesses STP:.$923,707 and residents who rely heavily on Dryden Road each day. The STATE:$58,000 City is fortunate to have partnered with MVRPC and appreciates LOCAL:.$751,879 our ongoing collaborative relationship.TOTAL:.$1,733,586Mayor Teri Murphy, City of Moraine This project includes the rehabilitation of approximately 7,200 feet of the existing five lanes of pavement on Dryden Road from Kreitzer Road to the Moraine northern corporate limit. The pavement was failing in the intersections of the northbound and southbound I-75 interchange ramps and Arbor Boulevard and was completely rebuilt while the remaining asphalt surface was milled, failing concrete base joints were repaired and the entire project was resurfaced. Sidewalks were added to connect bus stops in the southern section of the corridor. The traffic signal at East River Road was also reconstructed. MONTGOMERY COUNTY This bikeway was a wonderful collaboration between City of Kettering neighboring municipalities to strengthen and expand bikeable HEWITT AVE BIKEWAY options in our communities. It has been a true pleasure watching CONNECTORit come together. We are grateful for the innovative team of PID #105751 engineers, planners, contractors, and City staff that brought this project to life.TA:.$227,623Mayor Peggy Lehner, City of KetteringSTATE:$8,000LOCAL:.$252,623TOTAL:.$488,246The Bikeway connection of Iron Horse Trail to an existing asphalt path on the east side of Bigger Road. The replacement of a 5 feet wide sidewalk with a 10 feet wide multi-use path adjacent to Bigger Road and Whipp Road and bike route signage on Hewitt Avenue. This project also included an enhanced mid-block crosswalk on Bigger Road.15'